How to Navigate Dental Insurance

Family Dentist in Alabama

Dental insurance is a vital part of oral health care for many people. However, navigating dental insurance can be confusing. 

This blog post will help to clear up some of the confusion and explain what dental insurance is, how to find a dentist in your insurance network, and how to receive dental care without insurance.

What is Dental Insurance?

Dental insurance is a type of insurance that helps to cover the cost of dental care. Dental insurance can help to pay for routine dental care, such as cleanings and check-ups, as well as more extensive dental procedures, such as fillings, crowns, and braces.

There are many different types of dental insurance plans available, so it is important to do your research to find a plan that best meets your needs.

How to Find a Dentist in Your Insurance Network

If you have dental insurance, it is important to find a dentist who is in your insurance network. In-network dentists have agreed to accept the terms and conditions of your insurance plan. 

This means that you will likely pay less out-of-pocket for dental care if you see an in-network dentist.

You can typically find a list of in-network dentists on your insurance company’s website. If you are having trouble finding a list of in-network dentists, you can also contact your insurance company directly and ask for a list.

The Best Ways to Save on Dental Care

Dental care can be expensive, but there are a few ways that you can save on the cost of dental care. One way to save on dental care is to use a dental discount plan. Dental discount plans are not insurance, but they do offer discounts on dental care from participating dentists.

Another way to save on dental care is to use a dental savings account. A dental savings account is an account that you can put money into to use for future dental expenses. The money in the account grows tax-free, and you can use it to pay for dental care when you need it.

Finally, you can also save on dental care by using a flexible spending account. A flexible spending account is an account that you can put money into to use for medical expenses, including dental care.

Receiving Dental Care Without Insurance

If you do not have dental insurance, there are still options available for receiving dental care. Many dentists offer discounts for cash-paying patients, so be sure to ask about this when you call to make an appointment.

You can also search for dental clinics that offer sliding-scale fees, which means that the cost of dental care is based on your income.

There are also several government-funded dental clinics available in many communities. These clinics offer low-cost or no-cost dental care for those who qualify.

Navigating dental insurance can be confusing, but it is an important part of maintaining good oral health. By understanding what dental insurance is, how to find a dentist in your insurance network, and how to receive dental care without insurance, you can ensure that you get the dental care you need.

Please contact our team for more information regarding your dental care benefits and how we can best treat your dental needs.

The Best Mouthwash for Periodontal Disease

Family Dentist in Alabama

If you are like most people, you probably don’t think too much about your mouthwash. However, if you have periodontal disease, using the right mouthwash is critical to getting rid of the bacteria that is causing your infection.

In this blog post, we will discuss the best mouthwash for treating periodontal disease and what causes this condition. We will also talk about how mouthwash can help reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Finally, we will warn you about some of the signs of periodontal disease so that you can get treatment as soon as possible.

What Causes Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease is caused by a build-up of plaque on the teeth. This plaque is made up of bacteria, food particles, and saliva. Over time, the plaque hardens and becomes tartar. Tartar is very difficult to remove with brushing and flossing alone.

If tartar is not removed, it can cause the gums to become inflamed and bleed easily. This condition is called gingivitis. Gingivitis is the first stage of periodontal disease. If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis.

Types of Mouthwash to Use for Periodontal Disease

Two types of mouthwash can be effective in treating periodontal disease:

Antibacterial Mouthwash

This type of mouthwash contains ingredients that kill bacteria. These mouthwashes can help to reduce plaque and gingivitis. Examples of antibacterial mouthwash include:

  • Listerine Total Care Anticavity Mouthwash
  • Crest Pro-Health Advanced Deep Cleaning Rinse
  • Scope Outlast Long Lasting Mint Mouthwash

Anti-Inflammatory Mouthwash

This type of mouthwash contains ingredients that reduce inflammation. These mouthwashes can help to reduce swelling and pain associated with periodontal disease. Examples of anti-inflammatory mouthwash include:

  • Biotene Dry Mouth Oral Rinse
  • Orajel Antiseptic Mouth Sore Rinse
  • Colgate Peroxyl Oral Cleansing Rinse


If you think you may be suffering from periodontal disease, it is important to ask your dentist for mouthwash recommendations that are suitable for your unique situation.

How Mouthwash Can Help Periodontal Disease

Mouthwash can be a helpful tool in the treatment of periodontal disease. Mouthwashes that contain chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide can help reduce plaque and tartar buildup.

Mouthwashes that contain these ingredients should be used twice a day for best results. Be sure to follow the directions on the mouthwash bottle.

Can Mouthwash Cure Periodontal Disease?

Mouthwash can help reduce plaque and tartar buildup, but it cannot cure periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is a serious condition that requires professional treatment.

Warning Signs of Periodontal Disease

There are several warning signs of periodontal disease. If you notice any of the following, see your dentist right away:

  • Swollen or red gums
  • Gums that bleed easily
  • Bad breath
  • Receding gums
  • Loose teeth


Periodontal disease is a serious condition, but treatment is possible. If you think you may have periodontitis, see your dentist as soon as possible. Early treatment can help prevent the progression of periodontal disease.

Treating Periodontal Disease

If you are suffering from periodontal disease or have recognized one or more of the common warning signs, it is important to call our team today! Scheduling an exam is the only true way to diagnose and treat periodontal disease before it becomes a much more serious issue.

Proper oral health is essential for your overall health, so don’t delay in getting the treatment you need. We are here to help you achieve and maintain optimal oral health. Give us a call today to schedule your appointment!

The Long-Term Effects of Soda on Teeth

Family Dentist in Alabama

If you’re like most people, you enjoy a cold can of soda now and then. But what you may not know is that drinking soda has some serious long-term effects on your teeth.

In this month’s blog post, we will discuss the dangers of drinking soda and how it can damage your teeth over time. We’ll also provide some tips for keeping your teeth healthy and free from the harmful effects of soda!

How Soda Affects Your Teeth Over Time

Soda is one of the most popular drinks in the world, but it’s also one of the worst for your teeth. Here’s why:


  • Soda is high in sugar and acid, which can damage your teeth over time.
  • The artificial sweeteners in soda can also cause tooth decay.
  • Soda is a major contributor to tooth erosion.
  • Drinking soda regularly can increase your risk of developing cavities and other dental problems.


Let’s take a closer look at some of the long-term risks of drinking soda frequently:

Soda Can Lead to Cavities

One of the biggest dangers of drinking soda is that it can lead to cavities. The sugar and acid in soda can wear down your tooth’s enamel, making them more susceptible to cavities. 

Over time, drinking soda can lead to several dental problems, including tooth decay, gum disease, and even loss of teeth.

Soda Can Cause Gum Disease

Another danger of drinking soda is that it can cause gum disease. The sugar and acid in soda can irritate your gums, leading to inflammation and eventually gum disease. Gum disease is a serious condition that can lead to tooth loss and even heart disease.

Soda Can Cause Tooth Decay

Lastly, the most well-known danger of drinking soda is that it can cause tooth decay. The sugar and acid in soda create an ideal environment for bacteria to grow, leading to plaque build-up and tooth decay. 

If left untreated, tooth decay can lead to serious dental problems such as cavities and even tooth loss.

Protecting Your Teeth From Soda

So, what can you do to protect your teeth from the dangers of soda? Here are a few tips:


  • Drink water instead of soda. Water is healthy for your teeth and won’t damage them like soda does.
  • Avoid sipping on soda throughout the day. The sugar and acid in soda will have a greater impact on your teeth if you drink it slowly over time. Drink it all at once or not at all!
  • Brush your teeth after drinking soda. Brushing your teeth helps remove the sugar and acid that can cause damage to your teeth.
  • See your dentist regularly. A professional dental cleaning can help remove plaque build-up caused by drinking soda.


Soda is a popular drink, but it’s important to be aware of the dangers it can pose to your teeth. Does this mean you can never enjoy a bubbly beverage? No!  Just be sure to drink soda in moderation and take steps to protect your teeth from the damage it can cause.

By following the tips shared in this post, you can protect your teeth from the harmful effects of soda and keep them healthy for years to come!


The Benefits of Semi-Annual Dental Visits

Family Dentist in Alabama

Semi-annual dental visits are a crucial way to maintain good oral health and hygiene. They allow for in-depth cleaning, exam of the mouth and neck area, evaluation of any signs that may indicate gum disease or other concerns, and more.

For some people who have busy lives with little free time on their hands, this might seem like too much work. However, there are many ways that this practice will benefit your oral and overall health and wellbeing.

Top Benefits of Semi-Annual Dental Visits

There are countless benefits to semi-annual dental visits. A few of these include the following:

Prevention of Tooth Decay

Semi-annual dental visits help to prevent tooth decay from occurring in the first place. A deep cleanse and check-up can help to get rid of any bacteria or plaque that may be building up and causing damage to your teeth.

Early Detection of Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is a serious condition that can often be treated successfully if it’s found early enough. By making semi-annual dental visits a part of your schedule, you’ll be helping to ensure that any signs of oral cancer can be detected before they become too serious or life-threatening.

Prevention of Gum Disease

Gum disease is a common problem, and it can often lead to more serious health concerns if left untreated. This is because it can lead to heart disease and other serious health problems!

Semi-annual dental visits allow for a close examination of your gums, where plaque or bacteria may be hiding that can cause gum disease over time.

Achieve a Bright Smile

One of the best benefits of semi-annual dental visits is that you get to keep your smile looking bright and healthy! A deep cleanse and exam can help to remove any built-up plaque or stains, leaving your teeth looking their best.

Prevention of Bad Breath

Bad breath happens, but you don’t need to suffer with it because there are solutions to the problem! Semi-annual dental visits allow for an evaluation of your teeth, mouth, and tongue.

This is important because this can help to get rid of any bad breath-causing bacteria that may be hiding in these areas.

Oral Health & Hygiene Education

Oral health and hygiene education is a big part of semi-annual dental visits. A dentist will be able to teach you how to best clean your teeth, mouth, and gums at home so that bad breath doesn’t become an issue again.

They can also talk about what foods are better for oral health than others! If you’re serious about maintaining oral health and hygiene, this is one of the best benefits of semi-annual dental visits.

Prevention of Other Health Concerns

Because gum disease leads to serious health concerns over time, it’s important to make sure that you’re doing everything possible to prevent it. Dental visits are one way to do this!

In addition, other health concerns can be detected during a dental visit. This includes problems with your jaw, neck, and head. So if you’ve been feeling like something just isn’t quite right, it’s worth it to go in for a dental check-up and get some answers.

Schedule Your Next Appointment Today!

If you’ve been putting off your semi-annual dental visits, it’s time to rethink that decision! These visits are crucial for maintaining good oral health and hygiene, and they can help to prevent a variety of problems down the road. Schedule an appointment with your dentist today!

6 Tips to Combat Tooth Sensitivity

Family Dentist in Alabama

If you have tooth sensitivity, it can be difficult to eat well and enjoy the foods that you love. It is important to know how to combat tooth sensitivity so that your teeth won’t bother you when eating any food.

In this blog post, we are going to share 6 tips for combating tooth sensitivity so that your teeth don’t get in the way of enjoying all types of food!

1. Use Toothpaste to Your Advantage

If you have tooth sensitivity, try using toothpaste that is made for sensitive teeth. It will help form a barrier around the tooth that protects it from things like hot or cold food. You can also opt for a mouthwash that contains fluoride and potassium nitrate if you are experiencing tooth sensitivity.

2. Consume Tooth-Friendly Foods

If you are experiencing tooth sensitivity, try to avoid eating too many acidic or sugary foods because they can irritate your teeth even more! Foods like fruits and vegetables will help strengthen the enamel on your teeth which helps them stay strong against tooth sensitivity.

Be careful about what types of beverages that you drink too since they can cause tooth sensitivity as well. Try to stick with water, milk, or tea when you are experiencing tooth sensitivity.

3. Use a Straw

If you are experiencing tooth sensitivity, try to drink your beverages with a straw instead of taking sips directly from the cup. This will help keep your teeth safe since it keeps them away from hot or cold drinks!

Additionally, by using a straw you can decrease staining to your teeth caused by dark beverages like coffee or tea.

4. Use Mouthwash

Using mouthwash can help combat tooth sensitivity by removing plaque and debris from your teeth. It will also leave the tooth with a fresh, clean feeling which is awesome! Make sure that you are using mouthwash twice daily to get the best results for tooth brushing.

5. Rinse with Salt Water

You can rinse your toothbrush with saltwater before brushing to help combat tooth sensitivity. The high concentration of salt will act as an antiseptic that kills the bacteria that may be causing tooth sensitivity! Make sure to spit out this mixture after rinsing and don’t swallow it since you do not want too much salt in your body.

You can also rinse with a mixture that has warm water and baking soda, but make sure to brush after since toothpaste needs toothbrush bristles to get the best results!

6. Consult a Dental Expert

One of the best ways to combat tooth sensitivity is to consult a dental expert. In some cases, tooth sensitivity can be caused by tooth decay or tooth damage which a dental expert can help fix! Make sure to visit your dentist once every six months for checkups and cleanings.

If you are experiencing tooth sensitivity, make sure to combat it with the tips mentioned above so that your teeth don’t get in the way of eating all types of food again! If tooth sensitivity persists, you should also make an appointment to see one of our dental experts to figure out the root cause of tooth sensitivity.

5 Reasons Everyone Should Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Family Dentist in Alabama

Everyone knows that a good oral hygiene routine provides them with a bright, healthy smile. But did you know that the impacts of your oral hygiene – whether positive or negative – extend far beyond the appearance of your smile? There are numerous reasons that you should adopt a healthy oral hygiene routine. Keep reading to learn just a few of the most compelling reasons to prioritize your oral health! 

1. Poor Oral Hygiene Affects Your Overall Health

Did you know that a poor oral hygiene routine could lead to serious health complications later in life? Researchers and medical experts have spent countless years researching the correlations between poor oral health and heart disease, diabetes, sepsis, bacterial infections, pregnancy complications, and a variety of other issues. 

Poor oral hygiene increases the risk of inflammation in your mouth that can then impact other areas of your body, weakening your defense against serious health conditions. By developing a proper oral hygiene routine, you can improve both your oral health and your overall well-being!

2. A Healthy Smile Improves Confidence

What is the first thing you notice when meeting something new? For 40% of Americans, that feature is the smile! Poor oral hygiene can lead to staining, tooth loss, or gum disease – conditions that can decrease your confidence and even cause feelings of embarrassment. 

By prioritizing your oral health, you can improve your confidence with a smile that is both bright and healthy! 

3. Proper Oral Hygiene Minimizes Disease & Decay

We would be remiss to not mention the impact of proper oral hygiene on your oral health. When you fail to practice proper oral hygiene, your chances of developing gum disease or tooth decay skyrocket. While they may not seem like serious conditions, both gum disease and tooth decay can rapidly progress – requiring extensive dental work to remedy the ailment. 

Developing and maintaining a proper oral hygiene routine is the best way to combat oral disease, tooth decay, and a variety of other preventable ailments.

4. Decreases Costs Associated With Dental Care

Unfortunately, poor oral hygiene often leads to expensive dental procedures. By practicing good oral hygiene, you can decrease the cost of your dental care by eliminating pricey procedures! 

Additionally, regular dental cleanings and exams are typically included in your dental insurance plan. By failing to prioritize oral hygiene by scheduling these appointments, you are wasting money! Protect both your smile and your bank account by making oral hygiene a priority.

5. Your Friends Will Thank You

What is worse than spending time with someone who constantly has bad breath? Being that person in your friend group! No one wants to be known for their bad breath or toothy smile. Trust us – your friends will thank you for practicing and prioritizing your oral health and hygiene! 

So, how do you practice good oral hygiene? The answer is simple! Brush your teeth twice a day, floss once daily, and visit your dentist on a bi-annual basis for a thorough cleaning and exam. We look forward to seeing you soon!

How to Stop Being Afraid of the Dentist | Madison, AL Dentist

Family Dentist in Alabama

For a lot of people, even the thought of visiting the dentist causes fear and anxiety.

This can be due to past trauma, a fear of the unknown, lack of communication, or simply from embarrassment. You don’t have to suffer in pain. We have 4 helpful tips to help you overcome your fear of the dentist.


Be Prepared

Research the dental office you’ll be visiting and learn more about the office and people. For extra peace of mind, find out if they are specialized in your procedure.

Read online reviews. See what others have to say about their experiences. Many people leave reviews on their entire appointment, from start to finish. Seek those reviews out to get a good understanding of how you can expect your visit to go.

For children, explain their dental procedure in terms that they can understand and will help ease their anxiety. Let them know that the dentist isn’t a scary place!


Ask Questions

Research the dental procedure you’re going to have. Make a list of any questions you want to have answered before you schedule your appointment.

Once you’re there, ask the dental assistant and dentist to keep you informed of what they are doing, as they do it.

Don’t be afraid to make pre or post-procedure calls regarding aftercare, concerns, or any questions you have.


Distract and Relax

Have someone you trust to go along with you. This can be a parent, spouse, sibling, or friend. They can encourage and talk to you while you wait to help keep your anxiety down.

For children, bring along their favorite stuffed animal or blanket. These familiar objects can help calm their nerves.

Focus on your breathing. If you truly concentrate only on steady breathing, you might be surprised how hard it is to think about anything else!

Listen to music or a podcast with your earphones. For children, listening to their favorite songs or storybooks is a great way to help keep their minds busy.

Ask about sedation. Sedation dentistry uses medication to help you relax for a better dental care experience. You will still be able to ask questions, but you will be calmer throughout treatment.


Talk It Out

Sometimes the fear can be overwhelming. You can seek counseling to get the root cause of your dental fear. Professional assistance may help you succeed in overcoming it. Your dental health is worth it!

If you have any questions or want to learn how we can help you put your best smile forward, please don’t hesitate to contact us!


Madison Dentist | How Long Should You Brush Your Teeth? 

Family Dentist in Alabama

Brushing your teeth is an important part of a proper dental care routine. Many of us have successfully integrated toothbrushing into our daily routine. However, we often fall short when it comes to spending enough time on this crucial task. As we get older, we tend to rush through this part of our routine without any further thought on the matter.

So, how long should you brush your teeth each day? Dental experts agree that it is important to brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day (typically in the morning and the evening). Spending two minutes on this task each time you brush provides you with ample time to thoroughly clean all the surfaces of each tooth including the inner surface, the outer surface, and the chewing surface.

Taking proper care of your teeth and gums requires attention to detail. These fine details are often overlooked or forgotten completely! Unfortunately, this can lead to poor oral health.

Toothbrush Techniques

Timing is one of the most important factors in a proper brushing routine. Rushing through this part of your day can cause cavities, gum disease, or other dental problems. There are a few ways to ensure you are spending the appropriate amount of time cleaning your teeth each day.

Use a Toothbrush Timer

It may shock you to learn how little time you spend brushing your teeth. Whether you spend a lot of time or not much at all, it’s always wise to get an idea of areas in which you can improve your oral health. Next time you brush your teeth, grab a timer!

Many people find it helpful to set a timer each time they brush their teeth, at least until they establish a routine.

Follow a Brushing Plan

If the two minutes you spend brushing your teeth seems never-ending, it is likely because you are overlooking one (or several) important areas. Following a plan and brushing your teeth in the same way each time will help you avoid this problem! 

The best way to brush your teeth thoroughly is to work from one side of your mouth to the other. First brushing the inner surface, moving on to the outer surface, and finally cleaning the chewing surface of the tooth. Repeat this pattern until you have successfully worked your way to the other side.

Make Brushing Your Teeth a Priority

One of the primary reasons many people rush through their toothbrushing is because they leave it until the last minute. Clean, healthy teeth impact more than just your smile! Oral health has been linked to many types of health concerns, some of which are rather serious.

The best way to make sure you successfully spend two minutes brushing your teeth twice each day is to make it a priority. The way this is done will vary depending on the person. However, by dedicating time to this crucial task, you will ensure that your oral health is the best that it can be.

For more information on brush tips and techniques, or to schedule your next appointment, contact us here.

Madison Dentist | 10 Signs It’s Time To Visit A Dentist

Family Dentist in Alabama

Visits to the dentist are crucial in both treating and preventing many issues including tooth decay and gum disease. However, in our busy schedules, we often overlook the warning signs that our body is sending to us.

Waiting too long to visit the dentist can lead to expensive and time-consuming dental procedures that could have been easily avoided. In today’s post, we are sharing 10 of the signs that it’s time to visit a dentist.

1. Tooth Pain

Tooth pain is the most common reason behind a visit to the dentist. However, many adults simply ignore or cover up the pain they are experiencing. Tooth pain can be caused by a cavity, tooth decay, or other problems that can be easily remedied.

2. Swollen or Red Gums

Swollen or red gums can indicate the presence of gum disease. It is important to address this problem in its early stages for the best results.

3. Sores, Bumps, or Lesions

Any kind of sore, bump, lump, or lesion should be looked at by a dentist. Although they are usually nothing serious, they can indicate various diseases.

4. Missing or Damaged Tooth

A missing or damaged tooth is a reason to visit the dentist. By failing to address these issues in a timely manner, you can cause further damage or pain.

5. Popping Jaw

Although a popping jaw may just seem like an annoyance, it can be a sign of something more serious like TMJ, or jaw dislocation.

6. Bad Breath

If you have chronic bad breath, a visit to the dentist is a wise idea. Bad breath can be a sign of poor dental hygiene but can also be an early warning of other health concerns.

7. Sensitive Teeth

Changes in the sensitivity of your teeth should be discussed with a dentist. Whether your teeth are sensitive to heat or cold, a visit to the dentist could help discover the cause of this discomfort.

8. Bleeding During Brushing

If your gums bleed lightly after not flossing for several days, it is not likely a cause for concern. However, if your gums are bleeding excessively, or every time you brush your teeth, you should make an appointment with your dentist. Bleeding gums can be a warning sign of gum disease or even something as simple as a poor brushing technique.

9. Headaches

Headaches can be caused by many things. However, if you are having a hard time discovering the culprit of your headaches, it’s time to visit your dentist. Problems with your teeth, gums, or jaw can cause headaches.

10. Bi-Annual Checkups

Even if you are not experiencing one of the signs mentioned above, it may be time to visit a dentist. Bi-annual dental checkups are the best way to prevent serious dental concerns. In addition to this, a routine cleaning keeps your smile bright and healthy! Making time for this appointment can save you both time and money down the road.

If you have noticed one of these signs, or if it’s simply been a while since your last visit, it’s time to schedule an appointment. Contact our office here for more information!

Madison AL Dentist | 4 Ways to Make Brushing Fun for Kids

Family Dentist in Alabama

As a parent, the best way to help ensure your child has a lifetime of healthy teeth is to help them establish great dental hygiene habits as they grow.

Madison AL Dentist | 4 Ways to Make Brushing Fun for Kids

Here are some useful tips for keeping your child engaged by making dental hygiene fun:


Pick out a special toothbrush.

One great way to keep your child excited about brushing is to allow him or her to choose their own toothbrush in a favorite color or branded with a favorite cartoon character. Child-size soft-bristled brushes come in a wide variety of options designed to make your child like their toothbrush.


Choose children’s toothpaste.

Another great option is to use a toothpaste that is designed for kids. While adults generally prefer the fresh mouth taste of a minty toothpaste, many children find mint to be too powerful a flavor. This can make brushing unpleasant or even painful to sensitive taste buds. Instead, let your child choose a children’s toothpaste. There are many options available in a variety of soft mint, fruity, and bubble gum flavors. It is much easier to keep your child brushing for a full two minutes when their toothpaste tastes good.


Use a timer.

Two minutes can seem like a long time to a child. It can be very difficult for your child to try to estimate or count how long to brush without some kind of visual aid. You can help your child stay more engaged and ensure a full two minutes of brushing by using a timer. Choices range from a small sand timer your child can flip over, to a manual stopwatch with buttons to press, or even an app on a phone or tablet to time digitally (if your child is old enough). By letting your child take control of the timer, they can be more confident and more engaged in their brushing.


Brush together.

A parent is the first and strongest role model for their child. Brushing together can help your child model your great brushing technique, which will improve their own. Additionally, brushing together emphasizes to your child that brushing is important. When your child sees that you take dental hygiene seriously, they are likely to follow suit.


For more tips on making dental hygiene fun for your child, contact our office.


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